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stronger together

always rising

sustaining ouR communities



If 18% of the 38,929,319 Black American population collectively devoted $1 each month

into R|18 re-up, reform, reinforce RESERVE, we would raise over $84 million each year 


Economic stimulation is one of the best ways to empower any marginalized community


In effort to effectively contribute to addressing poverty 

and the wealth gap amongst Black Americans,

[R] is creating a dollar a month membership investment club  


Joining together to stand against society's challenges and injustices one dollar at a time is doable.

 Technology gives us the power to make this a reality and it is time that we actively use this tool to empower and enhance the reform that we deserve and need in our communities.  


Blacks are underrepresented in the investment community.  We must change this so we can create access and opportunity. It is time that we take action and actively work together to not only overcome societal injustices but to provide the financial means to address our challenges from within.  


The RESERVE is created to empower the Black Community.  

We are stronger together. We are always rising.

Bringing sustainability to our communities is R's priority. 



2018 ouR TALKS Initiatives | MENTAL HEALTH + FOOD & WATER

email me if you want to partner in planning - I have resources, need a team =]



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